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The Quarterly Newsletter of South Asian University | Volume 4 Issue 3 March 2020

             SAU FE News (19-20.02.2020) New Delhi: The Faculty of Economics organized a two-day International
             Workshop on Economic Theory and Empirics on 19-20 February 2020. The workshop attracted
             participants from across the SAARC region, with researchers from Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan, along
             with civil servants, college lecturers, and researchers from different states of India. The first day was
             the participants took the opportunity of the workshop to sharpen their research questions in their
             doctoral work, whereas senior researchers were interested in understanding the interconnect between
             economic theory and econometric techniques. Apart from lectures by Dr. Debdatta Saha and Dr. Soumya
             Datta from the Faculty of Economics, SAU, Prof. Anjan Mukherji, Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru
             general equilibrium theory. The second day involved a
             detailed investigation of time series issues in economics.
             Prof. Arup Mitra, Dean, Faculty of Economics, lectured on
             various aspects of time series analysis, while Dr. Prakash
             from the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi,
             empirically demonstrated the concepts using the E-Views
             software. Professor Arup Mitra and Dr. Debdatta Saha

                                                                             SAU FLS News (25.01.2020) New
                                                                             Delhi: Faculty of Legal Studies,
                                                                             South Asian University in
                                                                             collaboration with P&A Law
                                                                             offices, organised a colloquium
                                                                             on international investment law
                                                                             and investment arbitration at the
                                                                             SAU campus on 25 January 2020.
                                                                             Honourable Justice Vibhu Bhakru,
                                                                             Judge, Delhi High Court delivered
                                                                             the keynote address. Professor B
                                                                             S Chimni, former professor of
             international law at the Jawaharlal Nehru University delivered the special address. Dr. AVS Ramesh
             Chandra, Acting President of SAU, also graced the occasion and delivered an opening address. Other
             speakers included Professor James Nedumpara, Head, Centre for Trade and Investment Laws (CTIL),
             Indian Institute of Foreign Trade; Mr. Shreyas Jayasimha, Advocate, Arbitrator and Mediator; Mr. Nakul

             Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) empower foreign investors to directly bring claims against the host
             State for treaty breaches before various arbitral forums commonly known as investor-State dispute
             settlement mechanism (ISDS). The colloquium brought together various stakeholders like academicians,
             practitioners, government officials, bureaucrats and students to discuss issues/concerns from the
             perspective of the host state's right to regulate and from the perspective of protecting the rights of the

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