Last Date for Adding, Substituting and Dropping a Course

25th August, 2021
Ref.: SAU/31-1 /2014

Regulation 12.4.4 states

No student shall be allowed to add a course or substitute a course for another course later than three weeks from the date of commencement of the semester. A student wishing to drop a course must do so as early as possible, in no case later than six weeks from the date of commencement of the semester. No student shall be permitted to drop a course after the six-week period”.

In accordance with the above Regulations, the following are being approved (as the last date of registration of students of the 3rd semester Masters programme was postponed):

1. Last date to add a course or substitute a course is (including registration of Repeat Courses)

31st August 2021 (extended by 8 days)

2. Last date to drop a course is (including courses registered for Repeating):

21st September 2021 (extended by 8 days)

The above notification has the approval of the competent authority.

Deputy Registrar