Notification on Formula for Percentage Calculation
Ref.: SAU/30-3 /2014
8th March, 2016
This is to notify all Departments, Faculties, Staff and Students that
- Clause No 12.7.6** of the Regulations has been amended and henceforth, the Formula for Calculating the Percentage will be followed.
- The Formula will also replace the Percentage Range that is indicated on the Back Page of the Grade Sheet of the University that has been in use till date.
The Amended Regulation is reproduced below:(Final Grade Point Average — FGPA)
Regulations Clause 12.7.6** states:
FGPA be converted into percentage as per the following formula:
Percentage = FGPA x 100/9
The Notification to this effect has the approval of the competent authority.
Deputy Registrar Evaluation