RESULT NOTIFICATION NO.9/2019 – F. No/SAU/31-9/2015 – 19 November 2019

The following candidate who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for Ph.D has been declared successful as per details given below:

Sl. No.Name of StudentEnrolment No.Department/ FacultyName of SupervisorName of Co-SupervisorTitle of ThesisDate of Viva-voce
1.Rinki SolankiSAU/AM(P)/2013/004Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FMCS)Dr. Q. M. Danish LohaniProf. Pranab Kumar Muhuri“Probabilistic Extension of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Based Clustering Methods and Their Convergence14th November, 2019


Deputy Registrar
