NOTIFICATION: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) F. No/SAU/31-9/2015 17th September, 2018
This is to notify that the following student of the University, having successfully completed the prescribed requirements for the award of “Doctor of Philosophy” in the year 2018, is declared eligible for the award of the said degree of the University:
Sl. No. | Name of Student | Enrolment No. | Department/ Faculty | Name of Supervisor | Title of Thesis | Date of award of Degree |
1. | Taru Shikha Dutt | SAU/BIO(P)/2013/006 | Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology | Dr. Rajiv K Saxena | “Uptake of carbon nanoparticles by resting and activated lymphocytes and its biological effects”. | 13th September, 2018 |
Deputy Registrar